There are two main percentage increase calculators below.

  1. For working out the percentage which is unknown
  2. For when the percentage is known and needs to be applied to an initial amount.

1. Percentage Unknown

Use this calculator if you need to work out the percentage an amount has increased by.

E.g. 100 has increased to 150, what is the percentage increase?

Increase to =
% increase

The process in step-by-step detail

Follow these steps to manually do the calculation that our calculator above is doing, working out the Percentage increase of an amount when you only know the Original amount and the New amount.

Step 1

Determine the Original amount, which is the amount before the increase.

Step 2

Determine the New amount, which is the amount after the increase.

Step 3

Subtract the Original amount from the New amount to find the Increase amount:
New amountOriginal amount = Increase amount

Step 4

Divide the Increase amount by the Original amount and multiply the result by 100:
(Increase amount / Original amount) x 100 = Percentage increase

Step 5

You now have the Percentage increase of the original amount!

For Example

The Original amount was $50 and the New amount is $70
$70$50 = $20 (Increase amount)
( $20 / $50 ) x 100 = 40%

2. Percentage Known

Use this calculator if you need to work out an amount after you increase it by a certain percentage.

E.g. 100 increases by 15%, what is the final amount?

Increase by % =